
January 19, 2005

I have no idea what this means

I took this zodiac test but I haven't a clue about what the heck this means.
If anyone has even the faintest idea what this says about me please share.
If it says something bad, make up something nice and tell me that instead
If your curious I'm actually a Leo
peace out yo

What sign of the Zodiac am I?

Aquarius 86 %
Scorpio 60 %
Sagittarius 60 %
Leo 60 %
Capricorn 53 %
Pisces 53 %
Aries 53 %
Cancer 46 %
Gemini 46 %
Virgo 40 %
Taurus 33 %
Libra 33 %

Take the Zodiac test here!


At 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We cant beleive u stole that thing from some poor person. What is your problem.
----from jimi and kurt (dan and trevor)

At 9:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

alright. *deep breath*

Aquarians present themselves in one of two ways. One on hand, you'll see someone who is shy and quiet. On the other, an Aquarian can be boisterous, eccentric, and energetic. Both are deep thinkers with a love of helping others. Highly intellectual, this is a sign of fierce independence that prizes intuition tempered with logic. (i had to copy that from somewhere else because i know fuck-all about aquarians. or aquariums for that matter.)

scorpios are insane and jealous and crazy wicked and are all about sex a lot of the time. but they're so charismatic that people will follow them to hell and back quite happily. everyone that i love in life is a scorpio just about. the best scorpio analogy ever (by micah): they've got it all, the intellect, the charisma, the sex appeal, the flair for the dramatic. they make you want to be near them. they're perfect. but the one major flaw is that they've also got their finger on the self destruct button... and it's true. they like to build something up and then destroy it all in one fell swoop. most scorpios are murdered.

and i am a sagittarius. we're very creative and kind of free-spirited, we have amazingly bad tempers and are known to be drunks and sluts and the like. we like the idea of personal space. relationships don't always work because we like to run amok and are often hard to pin down.

so there ya go, matty. if you ask me, though, it's all a load of bollocks.



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