
June 10, 2008

one angry man

Today I spent my day off work taking part in the ultimate inconvenience of our American Constitution. Our Founding Fathers for some reason had the crazy idea that we all have the right to a trial by an impartial jury of our peers (apparently gun toting cokeheads that like to stab people for the hell of it are our peers) I spent 8 hours sitting in a room counting the fat rolls on the back of the neck of the gentlemen sitting in front of me. For completing this great patriotic task I was paid $12.37 and given one coupon for 50% off at a number of fine Pittsburgh eateries(woooooo! $2.50 footlong sub! eat fresh and cheap!). Upon completing my civic duty and returning home someone ask if I had learned anything about our great judicial system. And as a matter of fact I did.

Never again will I believe anything I see in a Pauly Shore movie. Jury Duty is not fun, you don't get a lovable k9 sidekick and you defiantly don't get to hook up with that hot Asian chick from Wayne's World at the end of the day As of this moment I'm canceling my reservations to the Bio-Dome and I'm throwing out the caveman thawing in my garage.

hey pauly.....your a fraud budddddeeeeeee

peace out yo


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