
January 22, 2005

I don't care ABOOT NHL Players eh!

I've had enough!
I NEED hockey now! And the ECHL just isn't gonna cut it anymore. I think it's time that I make something very very clear. I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE PLAYERS OF THE NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE.

II don't care if Chris Chellios or Alex Tanguay ever play hockey again. It makes absolutely no difference to me who's name is on the back of an NHL jersey, I'm there to see HOCKEY DAMMIT! Every single player in the NHL can move to Siberia where they'll play in dilapidated rinks left over from the heyday of the Red Army. It's totally cool with me if Alexi Kovalev and Joe Thornton want to play hockey in the European equivalent of the Rostraver Ice Garden in front of a bunch of peasant farmers. So what I'm trying to say is, I think the NHL should consider bringing in scab players, screw the NHL "all-stars" there are millions of Canadians (and about 14 Americans) that would kill for a chance to skate onto the ice wearing a Montreal Canadians jersey. There are hundreds of other hockey leagues in North America, the AHL, the ECHL, the Quebec Junior League, not to mention the NCAA. I'm sure you could find plenty of players on teams in Bridgeport, Hershey, and Whelling that would be more than happy to have an NHL contract that paid them two million a year even if that league featured a salary cap. Listen the NHL Players Union is NOT the Coal miners Union from 1873, they are not victims. Last time I checked very few NHL players had contracted Black Lung from on ice conditions and even fewer had been decapitated in freak mule cart accidents (though it dose warm my heart to think of Jager being crushed by a stampeding mule) Anyway I'm tired of writing now so I guess I'll end this tirade. I just can't understand how an NHL player can profess their loveof the sport and yet be willing to kill it
just for their personal benefit.

peace out yo (eh)


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