
February 08, 2005

Old Friends Don't Die, They Just Fade Away

It’s cold and wet today and for some reason I can’t stop thinking about old friends that have disappeared over the years. I don’t know what brought this on but for some reason I can’t get these people out of my head today. There was never really a falling out with any of them. There was just a gradual fading away. Whether by change in venue, lifestyle, or attitude these people have fallen through the cracks and out of my life. Now that I think about it there are, a few of them that I’m glad are gone. I don’t know where some of these people are but if I did, I’'d probably avoid that place like it was infected with smallpox. But for every looser that I hope comes to a bad end involving a fiery wreck and a tribe of cannibals there are a few genuinely cool people that I honestly miss. These people were my companions, my cohorts, my partners in crime; they got me through long days and never questioned my sanity when I randomly broke into song in a public place. I remember once when we were still in school, we broke into the biology room when the teacher was absent, we put a notice on the door sending all the classes and substitute teachers to the library for class and spent the rest of the day watching DVD's and napping on the lab tables.

So I’ll post this question for my own peace of mind because most of you will never see this.

If we saw each other on the street tomorrow, would we greet each other warmly and pick up where we left off? Or would we avoid each other’s glances and move on quickly to elude a meaningless conversation with someone that may as well be a complete stranger?

I won’t even pretend to know the answer to this quandary. But I like to think that the fact that even thought of you today is a positive sign.

Peace out Yo


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