It All Began With a Hole in a Flag

On October 23, 1956, students took to the streets of Budapest, where they were joined by teachers, soldiers, and factory workers. These average people threw out a corrupt puppet government and stood toe to toe with the juggernaut Soviet Union
Here's a quick excerpt from Andor Heller's No More Comrades
"I saw freedom rise from the ashes of Communism in Hungary: a freedom that flickered and then blazed before it was beaten down -but not extinguished- by masses of Russian tanks and troops.
I saw young students, who had known nothing but a life under Communist and Russian control, die for a freedom about which they had only heard from others or from their own hearts.
I saw workers, who had been pushed to the limit of endurance by their hopeless existence under Communism, lay down their tools and take up arms in a desperate bid to win back freedom for our country.
I saw a girl of fourteen blow up a Russian tank, and grandmothers walk up to Russian cannons.
I watched a whole nation, -old and young, men and women, artists and engineers and doctors, clerks and peasants and factory workers- become heroes overnight as they rose up in history's first successful revolt against Communism.
With my own eyes and my camera's eye, I saw Hungary's Freedom Revolution"
In 13 days (Nov 4) no one is going to ask you stand up to Nikita Khrushchev, to blow up a tank, or even march in our US streets for your freedom. All you are asked to do is pick who you want to lead your country. Now that doesn't seem so hard does it?
It's fairly obvious from the banner in the top of the left side panel who my choice is, and though I have found said candidate not only worth my vote but also countless hours of my time I don't ask you to vote for him purely on my endorsement. All I ask is that you fulfill the simplest of responsibility of citizenship. On November 4th go to your local polling place and make the choice that is best for you.
What a country we live in were you are asked to do no more. And what an affront to freedom everywhere if you choose to do less.
peace out yo
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