
October 20, 2008

Man Up!

It's time again to take a look at a nifty link to brighten up your online life. If you haven't been following along this is our attempt to put the spark back in internet by doing a little bookmark swapping.

Today we look at The Art of Manliness
I could go into a long winded and poorly spell checked review but the authors of the site have already provided an excellent introduction to their little corner of the internet.

"All you need to do is turn on the TV to see that the world is wallowing in unmanliness. Today’s man has forgotten what it means to be a man. Instead we have a society of boys walking around in man bodies. We’ve let video games and television suck the manly vigor out of our collective man soul.

The field is white my friends. There are millions of men out there waiting to hear the message of manliness. They’re ready to learn how clean a fish, win a street fight, or jump start a car. They’re ready to start dating women. They’re ready to ask for a raise. They’re ready be men of honor and virtue. They’re ready, but they just need someone to deliver the message.

What they need is some of that old time manliness. The kind our grandfathers and dads lived. If it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for us."

I gotta admit I'm not above playing the occasional video game or blowing a Sunday afternoon napping rather than lifting large triangular weights while twirling my handlebar mustache. But I think these guys have a point. We have to come to terms with the fact that the 21st century man has gotten a little soft. We've lost sight of what it is to be manly, mistaking it for redneck schovanism and frat boy machismo.

It's time we embraced the life style of our forefathers.
Talk like Frank Sinatra
Shine your boots like a soldier
Grill the perfect steak.
Dress up for a Night on the town.
Treat a woman like a lady
Drink a manly drink.
Build a fire without matches
Exercise to be fit not to look like a spray-tanned tool
Shave with a blade not the latest travesty perpetrated by Gelett
Give a great speech
Win a Street fight.
Climb a Mountain

I'm not saying we all need to turn into Teddy Roosevelt over night. But hey, if it was good enough for our fathers maybe if wouldn't do us any harm either. Also it would be cool if we could bring back the word "bully!". Yea that would be awesome

As always the new link is in the side bar

peace out yo


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