
May 04, 2005

Farewell to The University of McKeesport

I’m done.


It’s Over.

No More.

My Two-Year stint at “The University of McKeesport” has come to an end.

For at least the next four months I can look at my computer without getting the urge to

A) creep up on it like a crazed wildman while it’s in stand-by mode, let out a primal scream, and run it through with a pointy stick.

B) cower in a dark corner of the room as my screensaver silently mocks me.

No more papers to research, no more late night writing successions follow by early morning e-mails saying class has been canceled Finally a few moments of peace.
I didn't mind going to college in McKeesport but now that it's done I cant explain how good it feels to know that I will attend a real college in the fall. Finals for the most part sucked. I think the grades were somewhat decent. But the work I put into them has left me a little frazzled. I don't ever want to take a psychology or economics class again. Studying for their finals made my head feel like it was filled with week old oatmeal. But it doesn't matter now because in the words of the crazy father released from the French prison in History of the World Part I Free! Free! Free!

The Baby Pens won their first round playoff series against the #1st ranked Senators. Their second round series starts tonight at 7:00 , they play the farm team of the Flyers, the Philly Phantoms. And while were on the subject of Philly, today is the five year anniversary of the 5 overtime game between the Pens and Flyers. Keith Preamu faked out Darius Kasparittis (big surprise there) and scored top shelf on Ron Tuggnut at about three in the morning. The Pens went on to loose the next three games and haven't seen a playoff game since.
Click Here to listen to tonight's game

peace out yo


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