
May 09, 2005


A few things......

1) on the first day in probably 4 months that i didn't have my camera on me i was bombarded with pure insanity that needed to be recorded for your viewing pleasure, but alas my camera was nuzzled saftely in it's docking station far from these astounding spectacles so i'll just have to tell you about them. I saw.....

- a balding man in his mid fifties wearing a Skid Row t-shirt

- an old lady on a street corner beating a telephone pole with a purple umbrella

- and finally a bird stuck in the grill of my van (this one may need a little more explanation)

this morning i washed my car and after a close inspection i found it to be 100% bird free and lacking any trace of animal dead or alive. so i drove to the bank and when i arrived still i was unaware of any little winged stowaways. as i walked through the parking returning to my car after waiting for what seemed like at least 37 years for a teller to deposit the two checks i handed to her i suddenly became aware of a green plymouth voyager with a robin stuck just below it's hood. i thought to myself "ha ha, dude in the green minnivan's got a bird stuck in his car. Wait? um? wha? hmm? ok, why? ( there was a whole lot more of this but you get the idea). so after a minute or two of utter confusion i scraped the poor little guy of the front of my vehicle with my tire iron. im not sure if i ran into the bird or he ran into me either way it's a crappy way to die.

2) i bought a copy of Pearl Jam Live from Mansfield Mass today and for the next few hours everyone i talked to wanted a copy ( this is totally cool with me. whenever i find anything remotely entertaining i push it on anyone who has the misfortune of coming in contact with me) so just before i started writing this i got an unexpected instant message from an old acquaintance that i was unaware even had my screen name. i had no intention of ever speaking to this person again but i figured i'd be polite ( or at least not openly hostile) and talk. so i mentioned the cd's and this ass immediately went off on a tangent about how much he hated pearl jam. he spewed out a bunch of crap about ticketmaster and mtv and screwing fans by selling concert cds. What a Dumb-ass

you wanna know why i still like pearl jam?

because they are one of a diminishing number of bands that have consistently released quality music. i can name a half dozen major bands that have spent four or five years on a some garbage they try to play off as the defining work of their career. also there is no one that sounds as good as these guys live, they go out of their way to put on a good show. the mansfield cd i just bought has 48 songs on it. they played 48 songs in one concert! that's nuts most of the other bands i've seen do two or three of their radio hits then make you sit through what ever junk they're trying to force on you from their latest album.

by the way, if anyone i haven't talked to needs a copy of the cd let me know (your copy's already done beth)

peace out yo


At 10:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"that's nuts most of the other bands i've seen do two or three of their radio hits then make you sit through what ever junk they're trying to force on you from their latest album..."



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