
October 30, 2005

The Penn State Jedi

OK, You know I try to not post too many of my drunken college party stories but this one was too good not to share.

It was about 2 am and things were starting to slow down at my friend's costume party so we decided that it was time for a late night alcoholic walk through state college on a mission for very cheap greasy pizza. We started with a group of five or six but it's impossible to keep a posse of drunks together so by the time we made it to Beaver Ave. there were only two of us left me dressed as Shaun of the Dead and Tom dressed as Frank Sinatra. So we're walking down the road singing Sinatra songs (poorly) to anyone who wants to hear and everyone that doesn't, when suddenly we see someone with a toy lightsaber running down the middle of the street. He runs right up to us then says " I'm a Jedi follow me to beer" We follow him down the street to an apartment building where he used the Force to open the elevator then took us to his friends party were they still had a full keg and greasy pizza. That's why I love this place, it truly is the Happy Valley you can meet new friends on the street at 2 in the morning and they will gladly give you beer and pizza.

Thank You Penn State Jedi, and wherever you are I hope the hangover wasn't too bad

- peace out yo
and may the force be with you


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