OK so the lack of posting in the last week was totally not my fault. The internet in my apartment was broke again and I'm far to lazy to post from a computer lab, that would seriously cut into my between class nap time and I'm just not willing to make that sacrifice. I had a whole bunch of stuff to write but most of it's no longer relevant, I found the missing t-shirt I had been searching for all week and I couldn't score tickets for the PSU -Michigan St game so I'm not driving to East Lansing tonight. In other still applicable news we're having a big party tomorrow we're all cooking (I'm making ribs) then we're going to watch an obscene amount of sports (4 high school championship games including McKeesport vs Woody High, Pens vs Flyers, and PSU vs MSU). I'd write more but it's Beer and Ping Pong night and I've recovered enough from Thirsty Thursday to start again. By the way I'll be back in the Burgh Monday, I'm probably gonna dork-it-out and go see Harry Potter one night but besides that I'm open. I wouldn't mind playing a little hockey and /or going to a game if the chance presents itself. But the weekend beckons so I'm off to cause mischief. I'll talk to you all on recovery day (Sunday) peace out yo
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