The Nittanyproudfoot Now With 30% More Belligerence
Holy Cow do I have a list of stuff that is (to put it in the words of a great man) making me choke on my own rage.
No one should be allowed to touch the Stanley Cup unless they win the Stanly Cup. I don't think that I should be allowed to touch it and I sure as hell don't think the lead singer of a defunct 80's hair metal group should be allowed to either. Meet the dumbest human being in existence....

Cup (noun) [kuhp] a small, open container made of china, glass, metal, etc., usually having a handle and used chiefly as a receptacle from which to drink tea, soup, etc.


Seriously guys no more (insert color)-Outs. You just can't pull them off. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. The success of the Penn State White-Out has very little to do with people wearing the color white. Sure it makes the stadium look nice but just because you decide to all wear the same color doesn't mean you will suddenly be transformed into the best stadium in the country. Beaver Stadium is always that loud during night games, because 1) it's gigantic and filled with rabid fans and 2) because everyone's been tailgating since 8 am. So everybody's done their ---Out, you all tried your hand at it. Why don't you just leave it to the professionals now?
By the way....Iowa's doing a "Greene-Out" a week from Saturday
Staying on the topic of college football. I've just about had my fill of the columnists at Yahoo Sports and A line has been crossed. This morning Yahoo Sports led with a photo of Joe Paterno with the words "The Big Lie" over it. Absolutely unacceptable. There's a difference between being provocative and yellow journalism. How dare these frauds question Penn State's run at a national Championship. You question whether Penn State has the right to be in your precious BCS? Here are some teams that were thought to be BCS worthy by the national media in the last 10 years.
Washington State
Kansas State
Wake Forest

Just leave us alone until we line up against your beloved Texas Longhorns. They may be one heck of a team but you better believe we'll give them a game that will make them wish they were playing a Big 12 team that hasn't played defense since the mid-90's
Has anyone else noticed that there are no good horror movies on this year? What the hell happened to MonsterFest, 13 Days of Halloween, Classic Horror on TMC, marathons of Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Friday the 13th? You wanna know what AMC is showing this year? Constantine and Jeepers Creepers. What the hell AMC? Way to ruin one of the best TV weeks of the year. Where's the Romero? the Hitchcock? American Werewolf in London? Nosferatu? Evil Dead? Why don't you jokes go ahead and put your Christmas junk on TV you know you want to.

That's it I'm going to take my rage out in a game of NHL 09. Way to go world thanks to you I'm the most penalized player in the National Hockey League.
And that so wasn't a Cross-Check
Peace Out Yo
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