I Like My Playoffs Like I Like My Chinese Food; With No MSG

First off I would like to take this opportunity to accept the award for the worst joke in the history of professional hockey.
MSG---Madison Square Garden.....hahahahaha!
(God sometime I hate myself)
Anyway I didn't write this post to make witty jokes about funny arena names if I wanted to do that this would be about the 95KGGO Arena in Urbandale, Iowa . No this post is a formal accusation of fraud against the New York Rangers.
In a sick attempt to create a new generation super-hockey-players the Rangers began testing the ability enhancing attributes of crack cocaine on hockey players ( hey I didn't say they were smart only sick deceitful cheaters) Their first subject was my all time favorite hockey player Kevin Stevens.
When Stevens was traded from the Penguins he was one of the elite power forwards in the league. By 2000 Stevens had hit rock bottom as he was found smoking crack in a St Louis motel room with a prostitute (man I hate when that happens). Shortly after the incident the Rangers traded Stevens to Philadelphia (a place where a crackhead can blend in) and closed down their Super-Stoner Program in favor of just buying other teams best players.
Recent events in the the NHL Playoffs have prompted the fine folks at the Nittanyproudfoot Investigative Journalism Devision ( motto: Yea...We Didn't Even Know We Existed) to reopen our extensive files on the incident and it has led us to conclude that in the salary cap era the Rangers have resurrected their Crackhead Development Program.
Our Proof?

And finally is this the goatee of a sober man?

Peace out Yo
P.S. Sean Avery sucks toes for coke, but if you ask nicely he'll do it for free