
January 31, 2006

My Fellow Americans the State of the Union Is......Inebriated

I don't feel like saying anything politically witty in regards to last night's State of the Union Address for no other reason than there was nothing said this year that I didn't complain about after last years speech. If your going to try to sell me meaningless political spin I would appreciate it if you at least tried to sell me fresh meaningless political spin.

Also for the third year in a row I played a drinking game with the speech unfortunately our commander in chief is such a walking cliche that even me, a professional college student in the prime of my drinking career, was starting to get a little tipsy by the time we reached the Democratic reprisal ( witch I personally thought sucked).

Finially, when did wearing a t-shirt that says "2,245 Dead. How many more?" become grounds for incarceration ? (click here for the AP story) Wire taps, arresting activists before they act; hey why don't we just bring back Joe McCarthy's House Committee on Un-American Activities or maybe Wilson's Committee on Public Information. Nothing says "We're going to defeat you Communist USSR, or Centrial Powers of World War I, or Pesky Middle Eastern Terrorist, like dismantling the Bill of Rights and persecuting your own citizens.

peace out yo

January 24, 2006

Putting the Banner Back in the Rafters

The Penguins have called a press conference for 2:30 today. They haven't announced the reason yet but I think we've all figured it out.

I'm sorry Badger, Today is Not a Great Day for Hockey

I'm going to go to go find a dark corner to crawl into and cry myself to sleep, Peace Out Yo

January 22, 2006


January 21, 2006

Steeler Nation, Hear Me and Rejoice

365 days ago I wrote a post confessing that I didn't think the Steelers would beat the Patriots in the 2005 AFC Championship (click here to read it). I had really bad feeling about it all week, everyone was too confident even after we won a game against the Jets that we probably should have lost. There was too much pressure, too many injuries, and our quarterback was burnt out. And sure enough my unfortunate prediction came true leading to another city wide depression on another Post-AFC Championship Loss Monday. You'd think we would have been used to it after93,94,97,and 01 but no it hurt just as much as ever. So Steeler Nation woke up that Tuesday and got back to doing what they do best, obsessing over their football team while completely ignoring the Pirates. They argued over draft picks, mocked Plexco Burress, and filed the hills of Latrobe with Black and Gold in the summer heat. And so once again we find ourselves on the brink of another AFC Championship Game with visions of Lombardi Trophies dancing in our heads. But something's different this year I don't have that feeling of impending doom heading into tomorrow's game. I would even go as far as to say the Steelers will win tomorrow in Denver and again in two weeks in Detroit. If I'm wrong may the ghost of Rod Woodson haunt me for the rest of my days. So take heart Steeler Nation this is your year, grab an Iron City and some wings from the Lube because the Terrible Towels will be waving after Super Bowl XL.

Peace Out Yo

One For the Thumb

January 16, 2006

Release the Monkeys

So I found this a few days ago and I just had to share. It's the script for my favorite sketch from The Kids in the Hall. The Killer Monkeys. Enjoy.
Mr. Lewis: Monkeys are loose. Full of beans, sounds like to me. I let them loose... I mean, out of their cages... but I keep them in there... locked up in that room. If I was ever to let them monkeys out of the house, they'd be running this town inside a week. [We cut to Mr. Lewis standing next to another man, Manservant.]
Manservant: Everything he says is true. [We see Mr. Lewis stand before the door, undoing the locks.]
Mr. Lewis: Monkeys are in here. Think I'll let 'em out. [Mr. Lewis opens the door a bit and light pours from behind it. We hear the howls of monkeys before Mr. Lewis closes the door again.]
Mr. Lewis: [laughs] I was kidding. I wouldn't wish the monkeys on my worst enemy. These aren't cute monkeys. Nah. These are like those damn monkeys in "The Wizard of Oz"... only they aint got no wings... and they smell bad... these are vicious, mean-spirited monkeys.
Manservant: Saw a couple of them get a hold of a dog once....[shakes his head] hoo boy. [Cut to Mr. Lewis on a phone.]
Mr. Lewis: If I don't get a pizza here in ten minutes, I'M LETTING THE MONKEYS LOOSE! [Cut to a cab. Mr. Lewis and Manservant are in the back seat.] Mr. Lewis: Worked for 30 years over at the furniture department at the Eden's. Can't tell me everyone in this town didn't look down on me. Worked for commission. Lucky if I made 300 bucks a month. Now I run the whole damn furniture department! Ehhh? I live in Bobby Ore's house! [The three men laugh, the cab driver doing so nervously.]
Man: Here you are, Mr. Lewis. And I just want to say how much my wife and I appreciate you not letting them monkeys out....
Mr. Lewis: Oh, I figure I gotta let 'em out sometime..... tomorrow! [The man looks very worried until Mr. Lewis starts laughing. He laughs along with him.] [Cut back to the study.]
Mr. Lewis: People think I have got the power cause I've got the monkeys. Nope. I've got the power because I'll let the monkeys loose... They don't understand......
Manservant: If he says he'll let the monkeys loose, he WILL let the monkeys loose.
Mr. Lewis: They goddamn don't understand THAT... and they goddamn don't understand me. But that's okay. That's all right, see... cause people.. they understand monkeys.
peace out yo, and watch out for those monkeys

January 11, 2006

I Assure You They Are Re-Opening!

Lady's and Gentlemen I give to you the teaser for Clerks 2! I am so freaken pumped for this move (probably because I was smart enough to avoid Jersey Girl like the Plague) There's no release date yet but it should be out in August. Let me know if you want to tag along when I go see it.

Clerks 2 Teaser

peace out yo

January 04, 2006

PSU 26 FSU 23

The PennState Nittany Lions
Champions of the Big Ten Conference
Winners of the 2006 Orange Bowl

I Play for PennState

There is No Name On My Jersey

I Play With Heart

With Pride

To Win

For My Family

For My Teammates

My Coaches

The Fans

I Play for Those Who Came Before Me

For the Glory of Old State

I Play for PennState

We are PennState

January 03, 2006

We Are........Back

They said it was over They said he couldn't They said our freshmen wouldn't make a difference "You can't do it the right way; The Penn State Way" We believed They said "They can't win in the clutch" We've been telling ourselves Penn State will be back on top Tonight's our chance to say..... We Told You So

Penn State vs Florida State 2005 Orange Bowl
Tuesday January 3, 8:00pm on ABC

Nittany Nation has declared a White Out for the game. So wear your Penn State whites proudly tonight. And those of you back in the Burgh mock a Pitt fan for me, I'll expect you all up here for the victory parade next week.
One more thing you can't watch a PSU game unless you watch the PSU Gladiator Video first so Click Here
(if this thing doesn't give you chills your as dead as the Wino outside The Original Hot Dog Shop)

For The Glory