In the words of the professor from Futurerama Good News Everybody!
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galexy Movie is not Crap!
It's not a disappointment And it will not lead to roving bands of dorks with pitchforks and torches burning down megaplexes nation wide.
I just got back from the Waterfront were I had expected to view a slightly below average movie about an above average book. I've been talking about it for weeks, the fact that I knew this movie would disappoint me but I was gonna see it anyway. But I'm very very happy to report I WAS WRONG. This certainly wasn't the best move I've seen this year but I'll say this about it, it's everything that's good about the Douglass Adams books. If you've got some extra time and your in the mood for a good dork movie give it a try I think you'll like it.
peace out yo ( and don't forget your towel)