
February 24, 2005

A Charmed Existence

An hour and a half ago I was working on a presentation on the history of McKeesport when my eye started twitching uncontrollably . I guess that's what happens when your day consists of three hour lectures on Gross National Product and endless hours of typing on topics ranging from the economics of stadium building to the emotional development of children in violent environments. Spring Break is in two weeks and my cold hearted professors have already assigned enough work to keep me locked up the entire week. I got a letter from Penn State yesterday, they decided that they needed to congradulate me for making Dean's list again, so they sent me an unmarked envelope containing a strip of cardboard with the Penn State logo and the signature of some random person who is apparently in charge of signing meaningless pieces of cardboard. I was hoping for a reduction in my tuition but I guess cardboard's nice too. I've decided that I'm not doing any work on at least two days of my Spring Break regardless of the consequences, so anyone who has been begging for a few hours of my time is welcome to them. I have no plans yet and I desperately need to go do SOMETHING that isn't school or work.
We'll I'm off to bed

Peace out Yo

February 16, 2005

There Will Not Be a Hockey Night in Pittsburgh


I don't know.......I just........I really have no idea what happened today. The only thing I'm sure of is that I would very much like to kick NHL Player Association representative Bob Goodenow strait in the nuts. The NHL players must be the stupidest people on earth, they turned down a CBA with a $42 million cap with no link to league revenue. This offer was actually too expensive for the Penguins but the league was willing to streach to that point. I have some bad news for hockey players.....
Do you honestly think the NHL will have more money to give you after they miss an entire season? Don't blame the owners for what happened today this is on Goodenow's head. The league needs to be fixed and what happened today may in the long run be better for the Pens. It sucks not to have hockey, but don't blame the Pens, if you really need people to hate, blame Goodenow and the Rangers (it's always fun to blame the Rangers).

Peace out Yo

ps. below is a message form Mario Lemieux and the Pens

The Pittsburgh Penguins want to let our loyal fans know how sorry we are that the cancellation of the 2004-05 NHL season has become necessary. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time.

We fully support the league and Commissioner Bettman in their efforts to create a partnership with the players and establish a new economic system for the NHL -- which is essential to ensuring a strong future for the Penguins in Pittsburgh.

As you know, we are excited about the development of many young prospects throughout our organization, in the minor leagues as well as throughout the college, junior and European ranks. From a business and financial standpoint, we have been well-positioned to deal with the challenges of a work stoppage. We are committed to a bright future here in Pittsburgh and are confident that once a new collective bargaining agreement is reached, we will be able to put an extremely competitive team on the ice and provide many nights of exciting entertainment for our fans and sponsors.

We are very heartened by your support throughout this process.


Mario Lemieux
CEO and Chairman; Ken Sawyer
President and Governor

The Greatest Day of the Year

The Inspiration for The Greatest Day of the Year Posted by Hello

I should be writing an English paper right now but I’ve come down with a case of writer’s block that may be lethal. So after spending an hour pacing my room, talking to myself, and swinging my arms like a madman I decide that that the paper isn’t coming out until a release some of the pressure in my head.

-Sorry I’ve haven’t written lately, my computer has been a little unruly this week so I’ve spent a lot of my free time trying to fix my ailing CD drive. After exchanging e-mails with Dell tech support, I’ve been informed that I am the proud owner of what is technically known as a “busted CD drive”. So Dell wished me the best of luck and requested that i no longer contact them about this issue.

I’ve tried very hard to not to acknowledge the existence of Valentines Day. But no mater how hard I tried to avoid the subject it seemed that everywhere I went someone had to bring it up. They all asked me the same question…. “What are your Valentines Day plans?”….. I told them… “I’m gonna to eat leftover pizza and watch hockey” (the AHL all-star game’s on tonight) and of course they all responded by saying stuff like …“sounds like someone doesn’t have a valentine”

You’re d**n right I don’t have a valentine and I really don’t care, in fact I seem to be the only person that isn’t upset by this fact. This is such a crap holiday it needs to go away and never come back. And since the world is obviously not going to let me ignore it I guess I’ll just have to take matters into my own hands. The answer came to me this morning; I was looking for my Penn State “hoodie” when I stumbled across my green and black SHAMROCKS hockey jersey, that’s when it hit me,

THE GREATEST HOLIDAY EVER ! I am creating an alternative to Valentines Day; February 14 will be the greatest day of the year. All great holidays have food so I figure we’re gonna need turkey, and pies lots of pies, we need barbecue too cause it’s hard to get good barbecue in winter, and ham ahhhhhhh I LOVE HAM, and potato salad and stuffed peppers. And I’m tired of waiting till October to see good (or bad) horror movies so we’ll need zombies too, zombies and fireworks. YES! fireworks we need to see lots of stuff blow up! We need music; I’m thinking loud guitars and bagpipes and maybe bongos. And we should all wear Hawaiian shirts cause I have six Hawaiian shirts sitting in my closet and I need an excuse to wear them. We need a countdown too; I figure we’ll have a count down to my new holiday. It always bothered me that people go home a few hours after midnight on New Years. I think the party should start at midnight and last until the next midnight, the greatest 24 hours of the year. And I want volleyball too cause drunken picnic volleyball is the greatest sport ever. So there you have it the greatest day ever, I am 100% serious, exactly one year from today I will celebrate my new holiday and you’re all invited. All the greatest day ever needs is a name so I’m assigning this task to all of you, please give my day a name and post it here. If you have any more holiday ideas post those too case 24 hours is a lot of time and I want to keep busy.

That’s it..........................Peace out Yo

February 15, 2005


BLOGGER is having some problems with their system so this site is out of order for now. But fear not, I have set up a blog-in-exil on my messageboard, you can access it by typing in the normal address for this site (www.nittanyproudfoot.cjb.net) of you can click on the messageboard link on the right side of this screen. Hopefuly we'll be back on our feet soon, but until then please read my posts on the message board -------------------------------Peace out Yo

February 08, 2005

Old Friends Don't Die, They Just Fade Away

It’s cold and wet today and for some reason I can’t stop thinking about old friends that have disappeared over the years. I don’t know what brought this on but for some reason I can’t get these people out of my head today. There was never really a falling out with any of them. There was just a gradual fading away. Whether by change in venue, lifestyle, or attitude these people have fallen through the cracks and out of my life. Now that I think about it there are, a few of them that I’m glad are gone. I don’t know where some of these people are but if I did, I’'d probably avoid that place like it was infected with smallpox. But for every looser that I hope comes to a bad end involving a fiery wreck and a tribe of cannibals there are a few genuinely cool people that I honestly miss. These people were my companions, my cohorts, my partners in crime; they got me through long days and never questioned my sanity when I randomly broke into song in a public place. I remember once when we were still in school, we broke into the biology room when the teacher was absent, we put a notice on the door sending all the classes and substitute teachers to the library for class and spent the rest of the day watching DVD's and napping on the lab tables.

So I’ll post this question for my own peace of mind because most of you will never see this.

If we saw each other on the street tomorrow, would we greet each other warmly and pick up where we left off? Or would we avoid each other’s glances and move on quickly to elude a meaningless conversation with someone that may as well be a complete stranger?

I won’t even pretend to know the answer to this quandary. But I like to think that the fact that even thought of you today is a positive sign.

Peace out Yo

February 04, 2005

The Emperor's New Hump

i just read this article about the mysterious lump on bush's back during the presidential debate. i know it's probably time to let go but i just can't help myself. it's a pretty interesting article you should check it out, it's called

The Emperor's New Hump
The New York Times killed a story that could have changed the election—because it could have changed the election

February 03, 2005

A quick word


hey a few things,
* i added a message board so now you all have a place to complain about how horrible this site is (i figured it'ed be a good way to keep in touch) i hope you'll all use it and use it often

* i'm going to the mall to observe "mall culture" for my Writing in the Social Sciences class tomorrow. Let the hilarity begin! If your going to be at Century III mall tomorrow night look for me ( i'll be the one hiding behind the potted palm tree, laughing hysterically, and writing feverishly in a note book)

<> Peace out Yo

February 02, 2005


It's signing day! Today high school players sign their letters of intent to go to Penn State. And once again the Happy Valley is celebrating an excellent recruiting class, for the third year in a row we have a top 25 recruiting class. Among the standout players in this years class are Justin King the best defensive back in the country , and Derrick Williams the top recruit in the country. I can't wait for football season! Make sure get your tickets early I have a feeling this season could be sweet.

ps. I signed my apartment lease last thursday. I officially have a place at Penn State (starting in august)

Peace out Yo, Lets Go State!

February 01, 2005

Back to school
Back to school
To prove to Dad I'm not a fool

Got my lunch,

My boots tied tight

I hope I don't get in a fight
(from billy madison)

So I made my return to teaching today it was sort of uneventful. I did hear a scary story form one of my kids, apparently she got into an argument with some scary monster of a girl outside of school and had a razor pulled on her. The girl tried to cut her throat and just barely missed, hitting near the curve of her jawbone instead, the cut was deep enough and close enough to some major blood vessels that they life-flighted her to the hospital. She's recovered completely but now has a little scare on her jaw. Here's the real kicker of the story, the other girl cut her own arm after the fight and went to the police, and informed them that she was attacked. What kind of sick twisted person nearly kills someone then blames the incident on them?

On a lighter note, one of my kids fell asleep in class today so pulled his desk into the hall with him still asleep in it. You should have seen his face when the baseball team sprinted past while doing their pre-season conditioning .

That's it for now ,

Peace out Yo

A little bit of technical mumbo-jumbo

hey guys..... make sure you check this site tomorrow for a recap of my return to teaching, I'll be left all alone in a classroom of 10 high school students that have been trapped in a building for eight hours. Let the fun begin !
Anyway.... here's a little technical tip for you, this blog is syndicated, so it can be accessed through a number of news readers or can be posted to another site. To access this site from other locations, including your personal MY YAHOO page click on this link http://feeds.feedburner.com/TheNittanyproudfoot

That's it for now, remember to check back tomorrow
Peace out Yo