I Think Less of People That Don't Know Ogie Oglethorpe

So hang on kiddies for an extremely unsatisfying post.
- Hockey season starts this week. And needless to say we're all super pumped for it. There's only one tiny problem, the folks at the Nittanyproudfoot Sports Department waited till the last minute to start work on their season preview so lets just say they can turn their report in next week but only for half credit. Our Winter Sports Corespondent Sanka Coffie did send along some notes to give us a little taste heading into what should be a very exciting weekend for the sport.

- The Whitney and Gonchar injuries are a pretty big blow but don't sleep on the Pens Defense, there's some serious talent on the blue line. Expect a big year out of Letang and a huge year for the Pens if Goligoski is producing.
- A handful of teams including the Pens are playing in Europe this week. In addition to playing each other the NHL teams are also playing exhibitions against teams from the better leagues of Europe. Now I know a lot of hockey fans are in favor of doing away with the preseason to cut down on injuries. And I know playing a European team could end up like Apollo Creed fighting Ivan Drago but as of right now I am in favor of anything that leads to more exposure for the League. Now ask me the same question next week after Crosby has an encounter with some goon trying to make a name for himself and I may change my mind.
-Finally the Chicago Blackhawks have been elected The Nittanyproudfoot Western Conference Team of the Year (tm). We're not expecting the Hawks to blow the Red Wings out of the water this year but they're looking like a playoff contender this season. Also we're going to go ahead and predict the Hawks will beat the Wings in the second installment of the NHL Winter Classic at Wrigley Field New Years Day
- Father Dego Flat our Resident Spiritual Adviser is also taking it easy this week. The Padre has been holding his vacation time over our heads ever since he did that restaurant review a few weeks back. Last we heard he was on his way to Oakland to preform an exorcism at the Colosseum. We didn't have the heart to tell him that Al Davis is just an old psycho and not possessed
- So Paul Newman passed away this week. Not only did he make some pretty awesome salad dressing but he also stared in one of the greatest sports movies ever, Slapshot. I've said it before and I'll say it again . If you haven't seen Slapshot I truly do think less of you as a person.
- Big Penn State trip last weekend and it really deserves a quality post. Not going to happen. Here's the Cliff Notes. Happy Vally = Amazing must go back and stay forever. Saw Darrell Clark at Perkins. Can-Jam best game ever. Other schools should stop doing Color-Outs. Chicks dig Pirate Songs (more on that at The 1-3-4 Lounge)
Let Go State, Lets Go Pens, and Let Go Drinking When I Get Home Saturday
Peace Out Yo